The history
The Promoparma Hotel Consortium carries out coordination activities in relations with the instrumental bodies of the local authorities, with the Emilia Romagna Region, with Enit, Apt Servizi, the regional Product Unions and with the European Union on behalf of the tourist operators, representing them in the various locations. It also takes care of updating the Parma tourist offer, processing demand data and analyzing the needs of potential tourists.
The initiatives created by Promoparma in recent years are rich, synergistic and transversal. Among these we remember:
- the Promoparma Tourist Office, which dealt with information, promotion, the development of projects, the implementation of commercial and marketing programs and contacts with the main travel agencies.
The Booking Office operated at the Tourist Office, which guaranteed hospitality to tourists by coordinating reservations at associated hotels, especially for fairs and conferences.
- Product Club “Cities of Art and Lands of Verdi”, which also brought together other economic operators from Parma interested in marketing the tourist product “Parma”. It included restaurants, tourist guides, Parmigiano Reggiano dairies, ham factories and wine cellars.
- Individual and group tourist packages, such as, for example, “Winter in Parma”, “Summer in Parma”, “Valentine’s Day in Parma”, “Weekend in Parma”, “Parma the land of Verdi”, “La Vie Gourmand of Parma”, “Parma and the small capitals of Italy”, “The castles of Parma”, “The parish churches of the Via Francigena”.
- Parma Card, an operational tool created to provide tourists with advice for their stay in Parma, indicating particular itineraries and discounts in shops and restaurants in the city and the province.
Some agreements: Teatro Regio di Parma, Ente Fiere, Conservatory of Music “A. Boito”, Club of 27; collaborations with other entities in the world of culture and tourism in Parma.
In June 1998 the Consortium also brought together the tourist operators of the Parma Apennines, giving life to the “Parma Apennines Product Club“, which worked especially for the development of the Apennine and Green tourism product, through a dedicated program.
In 2017 the Tourism Observatory was born, as a barometer of the tourist hotel performance of the city of Parma.
In 2020, “Parma welcomes” was created, an initiative aimed at doctors, nurses and volunteers committed to dealing with the Covid-19 health emergency, offering the opportunity for a short stay in the Parma area, an operation desired by the Consortium Council to thank all those who worked for the common good in particularly difficult times.
In the summer of 2021, in order to support the tourism sector during the Covid-19 pandemic, the project “The second night is ours” was launched, an operation which, thanks to the strong synergy with the Municipality of Parma, allowed the offer of two nights’ accommodation for the price of one.
In 2023 the Consortium signed an agreement with Visit Emilia and Trenitalia, with the aim of promoting tourism in Parma thanks to reductions on stays in hotels and restaurants for weekends, also providing special promotions for entry into museums and visits guided tours organized by the best tour operators.